Our partner IONICON is the world’s leading manufacturer of ultra-sensitive real-time trace gas analyzers based on the unique Proton Transfer Reaction – Mass Spectrometry (PTR-MS) and proprietary SRI-MS technology. IONICON also produces industrial process monitoring solutions, modular time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometers for research & OEM, and offers analytical services.
NEXT-GEN PTR-TOF INSTRUMENTS – Experience the PTR3 and the new FUSION-PTR! Performance beyond limits, highest mass resolution and sensitivities, ppqv-level detection limits, fast-SRI ion source technology and much more. ameca´s Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometers are a world reference, combining unequaled sensitivity and detection limits (even on light elements) with high productivity.
PTR-MS TRACE VOC ANALYZERS – Extremely sensitive real-time PTR-TOF VOC and organic particle analyzers. The world’s bestselling PTR-TOFMS series with TRU-E/N and patented ion-chemistry quality.
TOF MS FOR RESEACH AND OEM – Benefit from Ionicons unique modular TOF-MS systems! Ionicon develop ioniTOF platform as a multi-stage system offering entry-level, mid and high-resolution analyzers based on the same peripheral components, purpose-built for your experimental set-up. A unique feature of the continuously evolving ioniTOF is its modular design that allows a flexible choice of performance configuration and front-end, such as different mass resolving powers, hexapole ion-guides, positive/negative polarity, APi-TOF etc. Get the analyzer you need for your project with the assistance of our R&D experts.
AIR MONOTORING SOLUTIONS – Ionicons automated direct trace gas analysis solutions are trusted by many industrial customers from all over the world. Based on their real-time analyzers equipped with integrated calibration and multiplexing systems for covering various sampling points in factories or semiconductor fabs, Ionicon conceive fully automated air monitors supplying crucial data for process engineers and executives.
MOBILE AIR QUALITY MONOTORINGTrack air pollution where and when it matters with PTR-TOF IONICON real-time VOC monitors are frequently operated in mobile measurement labs, contributing to local air quality networks and public safety.
ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCHPTR-TOF is the solution for monitoring trace VOCs in the atmosphere The benchmark method for fast, quantitative and ultra-sensitive analysis of almost the entire range of atmospheric organics. PTR-MS is used in a wide range of applications in environmental research.
FOOD & FLAVOR SCIENCEReal-time aroma compound analysis with PTR-MS The results provided by IONICON PTR-MS instruments enhance research, flavor & fragrance development, quality control and enable online process monitoring in food & flavor industries.
Real-time detection of threat agents with IONICON PTR-MS PTR-MS combines all features that are needed for analyzing dangerous substances like explosives, chemical warfare agents (CWA), toxic industrial chemicals (TIC) and drugs.
Deposition and Emission of BVOCs by Eddy Covariance flux measurements. The ultra-fast analysis capabilities of IONICON PTR-TOF instruments are essential for eddy covariance flux measurements, allowing to study deposition and emission
rates of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs).
Room-air VOC detection and monitoring with PTR-MS
Real-Time measurements of VOCs causing smells or adverse health effects. Monitoring of chemical contamination related to the Sick Building Syndrome. Sensory impact on passengers in aircraft cabins, cars (VIAQ) and workers in offices
or family homes.
PTR-MS in medical applications
PTR-TOF are powerful tools for non-invasive breath gas analysis. The vast amount of information that is recorded in complete spectra with sub-second time resolution, their high sensitivity and high mass-resolving power makes them
the de-facto standard for real-time breath analysis.
Real-time measurement of plant defense and leaf wounding reactions.
Measurement of VOCs in dynamic biological systems with low detection limit and without sample preparation using PTR-MS.
Real-time biological research with PTR-MS. The ample advantages of PTR-MS are particularly beneficial for agriculture and livestock research. From agricultural field emissions to VOCs originating from cattle, pigs, chicken or sheep,
there is virtually no application which has not been investigated in great detail with the extremely sensitive PTR-MS technology.

Massanalys Spectrometry Nordic AB
Biskopsvägen 9
SE-12352 Farsta
Stockholm, SWEDEN
Regno: 556730-2004
(+46) 8 6043310